Ice lollies for sheep …cooling the little Babydolls down!
Fancy a willow & eucalyptus ice lolly? 🤢 Maybe not but the babydoll lambs do!
I'll admit, not a common ice lollies flavour for humans (!) but whilst extreme temperatures rage through even the northern areas of the UK, I've taken unusual steps to keep the flock of Babydoll Southdown Sheep safe and cool. I thought could be a cooling nutritional treat! The recipe is simple, the last bit of a mineral lick bucket dissolved with freshly cut willow leaves as a much-needed mineral boost for the flock of overheated Babydolls eating dry hot pasture.
Lando made short work of his, and I upscaled the idea with frozen mineral tubs for the ewes and more mini ice lollies for the lambs… the unusually long heatwave is fierce… 28c at 9pm!